Arena Stats Tracker FAQ

This is a quick explanation of how I display the arena stats on stream, as I get asked this question a lot. Firstly, all of the arena stats are now public on Blizzard's website. Below is an example of stats for season 37 in the US region:

I wrote a script that parses through the hundreds of pages of data for each season and then compiled it into one large data file that I can parse on the fly. I then have a bot which parses through the hearthstone log files to grab the person's name who I'm currently matched up against (this is similar how the popular Hearthstone Deck Tracker functions, by reading the log files to track cards played). Once I get the name, I then look up the person's stats using the cached data I built from blizzard's website. I then write this data to a temporary text file which is displayed as an overlay on the stream.

One thing to note is that the stats will only work if a player has completed at least 30 runs in a single season, as Blizzard does not show stats for players who do not complete the 30 runs. For players like this, my bot will show "stats not found". I cache the data for every single season, so as long as the player has completed 30 runs within at least one season, I will be able to show some data.

Unfortunately with the current set up I have, it's not really possible for me to share this functionality with other people, because the code I wrote is rather custom and I would need to write my own application to make it easy for other people to use, but it's something I could do if I ever felt ambitious enough.

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