Cerebus's Bot Command List

CommandPermission RequiredDescription
!arenastats Any Provides a link to the arena stats overlay faq. Also found here: https://cerebusonline.com/bot/faq
!pfm [message] Any Has a message read on stream using text-to-speech. Cost is 10 kittens per letter in the message.
!kittens Any Displays your current level and the number of kittens you have.
!userkittens [twitch_name] Any Displays the level and number of kittens that another twitch user has.
!levelup Any Promotes you to the next level, assuming you have enough kittens.
!rank [hearthstone_account_name] Any Displays the average arena ranking of the specified account. Only available if the account has completed 30+ runs in a season.
!cats Any Displays information about my cats, along with a link for cute photos.
!followage Any Displays information of how long you've been watching the channel for.
!commands Any A list of common commands (all of which are found in this list).
!nextlevel Any Gives you information on the next level, including how many kittens is requires to obtain.
!topusers [number] Any Displays a list of the top users for highest level achieved. This list can also be found here.
!bet [amount] [option] Any Place a bet on a specific option. When bets are processed, if you are correct you will get your amount bet back multiplied by the multiplier. The multiplier depends on the Bet Template.
!mybet Any Displays how many kittens you currently have placed on the current bet, and what option you picked.
!buytickets [amount] Any Purchase tickets for the current raffle. Ticket cost depends on the raffle. You can view Raffle Templates here.
!mytickets Any Displays how many tickets you currently have placed on the current raffle and what your odds of winning are.
!cancelbet Any Cancels your current bet and refunds your kittens.
!openbet [bet_template_command] bet Opens a bet for a specific bet template. See Bet Templates.
!closebet bet Closes the current bet so that no more bets can be placed.
!processbet [bet_template_command] [option] bet Processes the bet with a specific option. Rewards will be giving to all those who guess the correct answer.
!refundallbets bet This cancels the current bet for everyone in the channel and refunds all their kittens.
!openraffle [raffle_template_command] raffle Opens a raffle for a specific raffle template. See Raffle Templates.
!closeraffle raffle Closes the current raffle so that no more tickets can be purchased.
!processraffle [option] raffle Processes the raffle and displays the winner.
!refundalltickets raffle This cancels the current raffle for everyone in the channel and refunds all their tickets.
!addkittens [twitch_name] [number] points Adds kittens to a user. Can only be used by admins in certain situations.
!removekittens [twitch_name] [number] points Removes kittens to a user. Can only be used by admins in certain situations.
!kittensforall [amount] points This will award a specified number of kittens to everyone who is currently in the channel.
!shutdown shutdown Shutdowns the bot. Primarily used at end of stream, or if the bot is bugged up.

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